Doula Support

Why have a doula?

The word Doula comes from the Greek word Doule, its means female helper or maidservant.

  • A Doula will help you prepare and plan for your birth.

  • Assist you in asking questions to your medical provider to make sure you both have the same vision for your labor and birth.

  • We are trained to support you physically and emotionally during pregnancy, labor and birth.

  • We use techniques to help ease discomfort, guiding you with different positions and information about different procedures. 

Doula Services

Support for you and your partner before baby arrives, during labor and delivery and after baby comes home.

Standard package $1,300.00


Everything from our Prenatal Support & Education service: 1 prenatal 90-min visit either on zoom or in person to educate you and your partner on what to expect during a hospital birth, talk about your concerns, create your ideal birth plan and help you feel deeply comfortable when it comes to the unknowns of birth

As well as:

2 prenatal visits

On call 2 weeks before estimated due date until delivery

Deeply held support at the hospital during active labor

Stay with you through labor and delivery (for up to an hour after to help you settle in as a new family)

1 postnatal visit to help you process your birthing experience

What My New Parents Are Saying

“Giving birth is one of the most sacred and special experiences a woman can go through. When I became pregnant with my first child in 2014, I knew I wanted to embrace and cherish the journey and I knew I wanted a doula to partner with me and my husband. A friend recommended Mary and now, nearly a decade and 2 births later, I can’t imagine not having her by my side through the journey. With my first pregnancy, Mary provided calm and reassuring guidance, answering questions, helping with a birth plan, and being a steadfast and supportive presence when that birth plan went out the window. After 22 hours of changing positions, assisting through transitions, convincing me that an epidural is still a path to a healthy baby, and tagging in when my husband needed a break; my son was born. And did I mention, this was all on Christmas Eve? While Mary’s family gathered together to celebrate without her, she provided my family with the best gift we could have ever asked for - support and care as we became new parents. Not only was Mary an integral part of our birth team, her support did not stop there. She continued to be a resource as I navigated becoming a new mom. When I became pregnant with my daughter, Mary was one of the first to know, and this time, I had the joy of experiencing a calmer, quicker, completely unmedicated natural birth. Once again, Mary’s ability to be completely in tune with me and baby was a blessing through the entire journey. If you’re looking for a doula who is intuitive, kind, compassionate, and passionate about educating families and helping them self advocate, look no further. Mary is one of those special people that comes along in life and you just cherish the relationship forever.”

— Andrea, mom of 2

“We hired Mary towards the very end of my pregnancy. As first time parents, we we're as prepared as we could be for a low-intervention, medication free labor, but having a support like Mary was the best decision we could have made. Despite the short timeframe, we immediately felt connected with Mary. She was very thorough and thoughtful while learning about me, my husband, and our birth preferences. When the big day final came, she was right there by our sides! In the morning while I labored at home she guided us through multiple partner-assisted support techniques, then helped us decide when to head to the hospital. Mary advocated with us and made sure all our questions were addressed when we had unexpected complications arise. Mary encouraged changes of laboring positions, gave verbal and nonverbal support, helped with counter pressure and pain management, ran to fill up water cups and so much more. On top of her great doula support, her skills as a massage therapist set her apart! She helped prep my body with the most relaxing prenatal massage at 40 weeks! Helped me release tension during labor. And helped my body realign and loosen back up with a postnatal massage! Mary is an absolute delight of a person and was such a special part of our birth experience. I can't imagine doing it without her.”

— Eli and John, first time parents

“I have had Mary as my doula for both of my births. I knew her long before I got pregnant, and as I got to know her and her knowledge and passion for the role, it was always in my birth plan to have her as my doula. She helped throughout each pregnancy with a wide variety of issues and always seemed to know when I needed support - on a rough day, I would always receive a text saying "How are you today?" Her massages were invaluable in helping my body stay relaxed for birth and relieving the physical stress of pregnancy, and her knowledge and guidance gave me so much confidence through a difficult natural birth as well as an unplanned C section. During my son's birth, she was there during my entire labor at home, and in my memory it is the most beautiful part of my labor as her suggestions allowed me to be comfortable, calm, and productive in bringing my baby boy earthside. When I had an unplanned C Section, she was guiding me over text from the hospital and came to visit us the very day my daughter was born. What she doesn't already know, she seeks to find out in order to be able to guide her mamas as best as possible through their pregnancy and birth journeys. I can't say enough about the value and importance of having Mary in your corner during this time!”

— Nicole, mom of 2