Prenatal Massage Therapy

Why prenatal massage?

Studies show getting frequent massage therapy while pregnant helps with a shorter labor! Having frequent prenatal massages:

  • helps reduce labor time

  • reduces stress

  • prepares your body for labor and birth

  • improves mood

  • reduces joint pain and muscle pain

As a Massage Therapist of 24 years, I know the value of a deeply supportive massage. It’s been a staple of my work over and one of the tools my prenatal and postnatal clients appreciate most. I have also taught massage at the Guardian School of Massage and Reflexology in Sterling Heights, Michigan for the past 15 years.

Prenatal Massage Therapy

Standard Package $275.00


4 weekly prenatal massages for the last 4 weeks of pregnancy to help prepare your body and mind for birth



Your massage schedule can be personalized to fit your needs. Should your baby arrive early, your additional massage sessions will be honored postpartum.

What My Prenatal Massage Clients Are Saying

“The deeply held support I have received from Mary is hard to put into words. I don’t know what I would have done without her this pregnancy?! As a fourth time mama, this was my first time gifting myself regular prenatal massages and I only wish I would have done this every single time!!! I felt amazing in my body the entire pregnancy, third trimester especially, and I credit that to the extra attention and care I was taking, including my massages and body work with Mary. Not only did she help me tend to my body, our sessions together included time to chat which helped my mental state as well. Each and every session became a beautiful opportunity to connect with my body and this baby on the way. I’ve been telling every pregnant woman I know about Mary and I highly recommend that you gift this to yourself, today! Thank you for your magic, Mary!”

— Lauryn, mom of four

“Mary’s skills as a massage therapist set her apart! She helped prep my body with the most relaxing prenatal massage at 40 weeks! Helped me release tension during labor. And helped my body realign and loosen back up with a postnatal massage! Mary is an absolute delight of a person and was such a special part of our birth experience. I can't imagine doing it without her.”

— Eli and John, first time parents